Integrate Prometheus with your K8s Project

Integrate Prometheus with your K8s Project

Hi all, In this post, we'll see how to integrate Prometheus with our already deployed fox-game project on Kubernetes (minikube).

Prometheus is an open-source systems monitoring and alerting toolkit. What it does is look for a metrics endpoint on your application and scrapes various metrics example number-of-CPUs, active connections, memory usage, etc.. which can then be further fed into other tools like Grafana for visuals rich dashboard or alert manager for alerting when certain thresholds get crossed.


If you want to start from this point, you can clone my fox-game repo and follow the below steps to quickly get started:

#My directory structure looks like this:
├── k8s
└── src
    ├── bg
    │   ├── BUTTONS
    │   └── ICONS
    └── pet

Then Go inside the k8s/ and run the following commands:

$ minikube start
$ minikube addons enable metrics-server

# To create deployments:
$ kubectl apply -f k8s/deployment.yaml  
$ kubectl apply -f k8s/service.yaml

# To check creation of pods and services:
$ kubectl get pods
$ kubectl get svc

# You can also check from minikube dashboard. To launch minikube dashboard:
$ minikube dashboard

Once your Pod/Services are created follow the below steps.

Step 1: Create an ingress.yaml file.

What is Ingress?

Ingress exposes HTTP and HTTPS routes from outside the cluster to services within the cluster. Traffic routing is controlled by rules defined on the Ingress resource.

Here is a simple example where an Ingress sends all its traffic to one Service:


{ source: }

kind: Ingress
  name: fox-game-ingress
  ingressClassName: nginx
  - host: ""
      - path: /
        pathType: Prefix
            name: fox-game-service
              number: 80
  • The field defines the name of the resource fox-game-ingress.

  • In the spec.rules field, we define a host with a domain name .

    • When defining an Ingress resource, the host field is required.
  • In the paths field, we define path‑based rules:

    • The rule with the path / instructs NGINX to distribute the requests with the / URI among the pods of the fox-game service, which is deployed with the name fox-game-service in the cluster.
  • Both rules instruct NGINX to distribute the requests to port 80 of the corresponding service (the servicePort field).

  • If the ingressClassName is omitted, a default Ingress class should be defined.

  • There are some ingress controllers, that work without the definition of a default IngressClass. For example, the Ingress-NGINX controller can be configured with a flag --watch-ingress-without-class. It is recommended though, to specify the default IngressClass . (see more info here)

Step 2: Create an ingress-class.yaml file.

kind: IngressClass
  name: nginx

Step 3: Install nginx-controller in your cluster.

An Ingress Controller is a component in a Kubernetes cluster that configures an HTTP load balancer according to Ingress resources created by the cluster user.

You must have an Ingress controller to satisfy an Ingress. Only creating an Ingress resource has no effect.

$ helm repo add nginx-stable
# helm repo add [NAME] [URL] [flags]

$ helm install main nginx-stable/nginx-ingress \
--set controller.watchIngressWithoutClass=true

# helm install [NAME] [CHART] [flags]
# Output
NAME: main
LAST DEPLOYED: Fri Mar 31 11:10:29 2023
NAMESPACE: default
STATUS: deployed
The NGINX Ingress Controller has been installed.

You can read about Helm commands here.

Step 4: Deploy Ingress and Ingress-class.

$ kubectl apply -f ingress-class.yaml 
# output created

$ kubectl apply -f ingress.yaml  
# output created

Why are we using NGINX for integrating Prometheus?

Because the metrics Prometheus needs to collect have to be defined by ourselves in our application. Luckily for us, nginx provides various pre-defined metrics. You can read about them more here.

Step 5: After deploying ingress we need to check if we can access our application through ingress service:

$ kubectl get service

# NAME                            TYPE           CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)                      AGE
# fox-game-service                LoadBalancer    <pending>     6000:32177/TCP               82m
# kubernetes                      ClusterIP        <none>        443/TCP                      24d
# main-nginx-ingress-controller   LoadBalancer   <pending>     80:32450/TCP,443:30485/TCP   53m

Step 6: We'll need to port-forward this ingress controller to be able to view our application in the browser:

$ kubectl port-forward service/main-nginx-ingress-controller 9000:80

Step 7: Go to your browser and type and you'll be able to see your application working.

Step 8: Now for the Prometheus part, we'll have to install Prometheus in our cluster:

$ helm repo add prometheus-community
$ helm install prometheus prometheus-community/prometheus

Step 9: To view the Prometheus dashboard:

minikube service prometheus-server

As you can see it shows the active connections to nginx ingress as '1' since we hit that endpoint when we accessed it in our browser.
Similarly, you can try other metrics,

You can also view it as a graph:

It's sparsely populated because the number of requests on our application endpoint is only '1'.

In the next post, we'll see how to simulate multiple users requesting our application's endpoint using an open-source tool called 'Locust' which is primarily used for load testing.